Tuesday, 11 March 2008

Table Mountain Troop Hike!

Date: Friday 11-Sunday 13 April 2008
: Scout Hall on Friday @ 16:00. Be back Sunday @ 18:00
Bring: Overnight Rucksack with change of clothes, 2l water, snacks, eating utensils, sun protection, warm clothes, rain jacket.
Cost: R100 (to be confirmed)

We will be taking a simple route up the mountain on the Friday evening, spending the night at the scout hut near the dams. Saturday there will be a day hike on the mountain and again spending the night at the scout hut. Sunday we will climb down and travel back home.

This promises to be a great activity and opportunity to pass off a few thing toward your pathfinder and adventurer advancement badges. Table mountain is a truly beautiful mountain and well worth the trip so come on, attend the hike and have some fun!

More details to follow.
Alex Buys

Pioneering and Fires and Cooking Scoutcraft Badge course

The Strand Rovers are running a badge course in the district it will be on the 28th - 30th March 2008.

We will be hosting the Pioneering scoutcraft badge and the Fires and cooking scoutcraft badge.

Venue: 1st Strand Scout Hall

Cost: R180

If you have a problem with this then please contact Nick and make an arrangement.

Why must you come: Firstly to earn to badges! Secondly to meet other scouts from the district and have a fun social time! Basically not being at home!

Check the flyer out on http://www.strandscouts.org.za/downloads/flyer.pdf

Nic Britz

Badge Course Leader

